IT Concepts |
P. Tondl
"Email and File Encryption on iOS with S/MIME and PGP"
( , 1,7 MB)
Technical Report, Hanover, Germany, September 2017
Diagnostic Concepts |
P. Tondl, P. Rammelt, U. Siebel
"State based Diagnostics of System Internal Fault Origins by using Boolean Rules"
( , 204 kB)
5. Tagung Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, Dresden, 09./10. May 2011
ISBN 978-3-8169-3068-6
P. Tondl, P. Rammelt, O. Berger, U. Siebel
"An Efficient Diagnostic Algorithm based on Boolean Rules"
( , 267 kB)
6. Tagung Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, Dresden, 07./08. May 2012
ISBN 978-3-8169-3149-2
P. Rammelt, P. Tondl, U. Siebel
"Diagnostic under Uncertainty"
( , 55 kB)
Technical Report, Berlin, Germany, August 2012
Inter-Vehicle Communication |
P. Tondl
"Decentralised Distribution of Traffic Information through Inter-Vehicle Communication"
( , 4,0 MB, German, English abstract)
Doctoral thesis, University of Hanover, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2006
ISBN 978-3-8322-5151-2
P. Tondl, M. Meincke, K. Jobmann
"Decentralised Distribution of Safety Related Traffic Information through Inter-Vehicle Communication"
( , 1,2 MB, German)
11. Mobilfunktagung – Technologien und Anwendungen, Osnabrück, 17./18. May 2006
ISBN 978-3-8007-2942-5
P. Tondl, K. Jobmann
"Information Systems for use in Motor Vehicles – Inter-vehicle Communication"
( , 71 kB, German)
in "Niccimon – Das Niedersächsische Kompetenzzentrum Informationssysteme für die mobile Nutzung",
Shaker Verlag Aachen 2006
ISBN 978-3-8322-5228-1
P. Tondl, M. D. Pérez Guirao
"Forwarding of Emergency Notifications in One-dimensional Networks"
( , 518 kB)
in W. Franz, H. Hartenstein, M. Mauve (Eds.) "Inter-Vehicle-Communications Based on Ad Hoc Networking Principles – The FleetNet Project", 2005
ISBN 978-3-937300-88-7
M. Meincke, P. Tondl, M. D. Pérez Guirao, K. Jobmann
"Wireless Adhoc Networks for Inter-Vehicle Communication"
( , 163 kB)
16. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf, May 2002
GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
ISBN 978-3-88579-346-5
Communication Networks |
J. Steuer, M. Meincke, P. Tondl
"High-tech Mobile Communication Technology – UMTS is full of Finesse"
( , 272 kB, German)
c't – Magazine for Computer Technology, Issue 8/2002, Pages 222-227
ISSN 0724-8679
P. Tondl
"Development and Implementation of Algorithms for Rule Generation from Event Sequences in Communication Networks"
( , 647 kB, German)
Degree dissertation, University of Hanover, August 2000
K.-D. Tuchs, P. Tondl, M. Radimirsch, K. Jobmann
"Automatic Search for Correlated Alarms"
( , 55 kB)
2. International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2000), Munich, 9./12. April 2000
ISBN 978-3-89675-928-3
The main topic of this paper is fault management, especially the search for correlated alarms in
large alarm records stored in databases. We have chosen a GSM/DCS mobile telephone network as a basis
for the investigations of data mining algorithms which are used to detect correlated alarm patterns.
Special attention has been paid to the access network. The main problems addressed are the evaluation
of alarm bursts, the task of alarm correlation and the development of tools to evaluate those bursts. These
correlation tools need information for the correlation of alarms which today are only known to particularly
educated and experienced system experts. These experts are expensive and the task itself is also extremely
expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, they are not able to find all correlations that would
appear in a large network. The fallibility of human operators was the motivation to develop a data mining
tool that is able to find correlated alarms with the aim to minimise the costs of the alarm evaluation
P. Tondl
"Detection of Recurrent Failure Scenarios in Communication Networks through Data Mining Algorithms"
( , 541 kB, German)
Mid-study research paper, University of Hanover, February 2000