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IT Concepts
P. Tondl
"Email and File Encryption on iOS with S/MIME and PGP" (PDF, 1,7 MB)
Technical Report, Hanover, Germany, September 2017
Abstract (Encryption, Signature, iOS, S/MIME, PGP)
  Email and file encryption and signing on iOS with S/MIME and PGP
Diagnostic Concepts
P. Tondl, P. Rammelt, U. Siebel
"State based Diagnostics of System Internal Fault Origins by using Boolean Rules"
(PDF, 204 kB)
5. Tagung Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, Dresden, 09./10. May 2011
ISBN 978-3-8169-3068-6
Abstract ()
  Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen IV
P. Tondl, P. Rammelt, O. Berger, U. Siebel
"An Efficient Diagnostic Algorithm based on Boolean Rules" (PDF, 267 kB)
6. Tagung Diagnose in mechatronischen Fahrzeugsystemen, Dresden, 07./08. May 2012
ISBN 978-3-8169-3149-2
Abstract ()
  An Efficient Diagnostic Algorithm based on Boolean Rules
P. Rammelt, P. Tondl, U. Siebel
"Diagnostic under Uncertainty" (PDF, 55 kB)
Technical Report, Berlin, Germany, August 2012
Abstract ()
  Diagnostic under Uncertainty
Inter-Vehicle Communication
P. Tondl
"Decentralised Distribution of Traffic Information through Inter-Vehicle Communication"
(PDF, 4,0 MB, Icon de-DE German, Icon en-GB English abstract)
Doctoral thesis, University of Hanover, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2006
ISBN 978-3-8322-5151-2
Abstract (Inter-Vehicle Communication, Emergency Notification, multi-hop, information distribution, traffic flow optimization)
  Ph.D. thesis

Driving a vehicle is one of the most hazardous activities in our day-to-day live. Thus, many innovations in the car industry have been developed to increase safety. By using Inter-Vehicle Communication, pro-active safety systems of the future will be able to increase the driver's awareness and will therewith create a new level of safety for the driver and his environment at the same time. Though there is an immanent need for information concerning the surrounding traffic, there is yet a system to be developed which will be capable of permanently exchanging data amongst participants of any given traffic scenario on a spacial as well as on a temporal level. With the help of the algorithms developed in the context of this work, the gap between the global view of centrally gathered traffic data and the local (limited) perception of the driver can be bridged. Looking at the development of traffic during the last decades, there is a significant increase of the average daily traffic flow. Therefore, algorithms will be presented which will enhance a stable flow of traffic by distributing Floating Car Data amongst all vehicles. In a radio based network, the capacity for data transmission is limited. To counteract this limitation, advanced techniques for managing these resources are needed. The focus of using the suggested algorithms is to minimize stress upon the network and, at the same time, to forward and distribute data more quickly and effectivly. An essential result of this work is, that decentralized distribution of safety relevant traffic information can take place in a wireless ad-hoc network between vehicles without a standard set up infra structure, using standard transmission power of communication systems already in operation. Furthermore, by spreading locally relevant Floating Car Data the traffic flow can also be increased. In the long run, techniques like Inter-Vehicle Communication will be more widely spread in new vehicles than they are today. Hence, the results gained from this work may offer a valuable contribution in the area of safety to our driving in the future.

P. Tondl, M. Meincke, K. Jobmann
"Decentralised Distribution of Safety Related Traffic Information through Inter-Vehicle Communication" (PDF, 1,2 MB, Icon de-DE German) 11. Mobilfunktagung – Technologien und Anwendungen, Osnabrück, 17./18. May 2006
ISBN 978-3-8007-2942-5
Abstract ()
  11. Mobilfunk-Fachtagung
P. Tondl, K. Jobmann
"Information Systems for use in Motor Vehicles – Inter-vehicle Communication"
(PDF, 71 kB, Icon de-DE German) in "Niccimon – Das Niedersächsische Kompetenzzentrum Informationssysteme für die mobile Nutzung", Shaker Verlag Aachen 2006
ISBN 978-3-8322-5228-1
Abstract ()
P. Tondl, M. D. Pérez Guirao
"Forwarding of Emergency Notifications in One-dimensional Networks" (PDF, 518 kB) in W. Franz, H. Hartenstein, M. Mauve (Eds.) Externer Link "Inter-Vehicle-Communications Based on Ad Hoc Networking Principles – The FleetNet Project", 2005
ISBN 978-3-937300-88-7
Abstract ()
M. Meincke, P. Tondl, M. D. Pérez Guirao, K. Jobmann
"Wireless Adhoc Networks for Inter-Vehicle Communication" (PDF, 163 kB)
16. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, Düsseldorf, May 2002
GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
ISBN 978-3-88579-346-5
Abstract ()
  GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics
Communication Networks
J. Steuer, M. Meincke, P. Tondl
"High-tech Mobile Communication Technology – UMTS is full of Finesse"
(PDF, 272 kB, Icon de-DE German)
c't – Magazine for Computer Technology, Issue 8/2002, Pages 222-227
ISSN 0724-8679
Abstract ()
  c't – Magazin für Computertechnik
P. Tondl
"Development and Implementation of Algorithms for Rule Generation from Event Sequences in Communication Networks" (PDF, 647 kB, Icon de-DE German)
Degree dissertation, University of Hanover, August 2000
Abstract ()
  Degree dissertation
K.-D. Tuchs, P. Tondl, M. Radimirsch, K. Jobmann
"Automatic Search for Correlated Alarms" (PDF, 55 kB)
2. International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2000), Munich, 9./12. April 2000
ISBN 978-3-89675-928-3
Abstract ()
  DRCN 2000
P. Tondl
"Detection of Recurrent Failure Scenarios in Communication Networks through Data Mining Algorithms" (PDF, 541 kB, Icon de-DE German)
Mid-study research paper, University of Hanover, February 2000
Abstract ()
  Mid-study research paper

Last change: 09/26/2017